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Monday, December 13, 2010

Search engines and Holiday trivia

iBoogie clusters its results and it displays them like the Windows Explorer screen:  you see the flat search listings on the right-hand sidearch bar by other means: MP3/Audio, Images, Video, Directory or Advanced.
Holiday Music

1. Who wrote 'White Christmas'?  I put this in quotation marks as this serves to group the terms rather than have the words seem to be a part of a larger term, namely, the whole sentence.
Ivering Berlin
2. Whose version of Winter Wonderland is the most played?
3. Whose version of 'The Christmas Song' (more commonly referred to as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) is the most popular?
4. What kind of Christmas will Elvis have without you?
a blue one
5. What do the Beach Boys encourage the Reindeer to do?
6. Even the comedy team of Cheech and Chong have offered up a holiday song.  According to their seasonal song offering, how does Santa get to your house?
7. What ran over Grandma while she was on her way home?
a reindeer
8. What did Bob and Doug McKenzie receive from their true love(s) on the first day of Christmas?
a partrige ina pear tree
9. Which of these Christmas Carols did Bing Crosby sing with David Bowie on a television special?
little drummer boy
10. What was the name of the Christmas song recorded and sung by i) Band Aid, ii) Northern Lights for Africa and iii) USA for Africa to help raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia

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