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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last of the Holiday Trivia

It's a Wonderful Life

1. What happens every time a bell rings?

An Angel gets its wings
2. In what town does the story take place?

Bedford Falls

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

1. What happens to the cat?

The cat blows up because he was chewing on the christmas lights.
2. What do the gifts on the credenza have in common?

There all the same shape.
Jingle All the Way

1.  What is the world's greatest actor Arnold Schwarzenegger looking for in stores to buy for his son?


The Santa Clause

1. What did Tim Allen do to Santa?

He killed him.
2. What was the name of the Elf in charge of getting the new Santa ready?

Bonus:  in what building served as the office for the movie?  Hint:  it's in Toronto

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