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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last of the Holiday Trivia

It's a Wonderful Life

1. What happens every time a bell rings?

An Angel gets its wings
2. In what town does the story take place?

Bedford Falls

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

1. What happens to the cat?

The cat blows up because he was chewing on the christmas lights.
2. What do the gifts on the credenza have in common?

There all the same shape.
Jingle All the Way

1.  What is the world's greatest actor Arnold Schwarzenegger looking for in stores to buy for his son?


The Santa Clause

1. What did Tim Allen do to Santa?

He killed him.
2. What was the name of the Elf in charge of getting the new Santa ready?

Bonus:  in what building served as the office for the movie?  Hint:  it's in Toronto

Monday, December 13, 2010

Search engines and Holiday trivia

iBoogie clusters its results and it displays them like the Windows Explorer screen:  you see the flat search listings on the right-hand sidearch bar by other means: MP3/Audio, Images, Video, Directory or Advanced.
Holiday Music

1. Who wrote 'White Christmas'?  I put this in quotation marks as this serves to group the terms rather than have the words seem to be a part of a larger term, namely, the whole sentence.
Ivering Berlin
2. Whose version of Winter Wonderland is the most played?
3. Whose version of 'The Christmas Song' (more commonly referred to as Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) is the most popular?
4. What kind of Christmas will Elvis have without you?
a blue one
5. What do the Beach Boys encourage the Reindeer to do?
6. Even the comedy team of Cheech and Chong have offered up a holiday song.  According to their seasonal song offering, how does Santa get to your house?
7. What ran over Grandma while she was on her way home?
a reindeer
8. What did Bob and Doug McKenzie receive from their true love(s) on the first day of Christmas?
a partrige ina pear tree
9. Which of these Christmas Carols did Bing Crosby sing with David Bowie on a television special?
little drummer boy
10. What was the name of the Christmas song recorded and sung by i) Band Aid, ii) Northern Lights for Africa and iii) USA for Africa to help raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Internet search engines and Holiday trivia

More Holiday trivia

Do you know the answers to these seasonal trivia questions?


1. What makes the Jack-in-the-Box on the Island a misfit?
2. Who was Rudy's doefriend?
3. Who wanted to be a dentist?
4. What was the talking-snowman's name?
5. Who said:  "Whoa. Whoaaaaaaaaaaa! Unmush, will ya"
Yukon Cornelious
6. Who lives in the 'first castle on the left'?
7. What animal noise did the elf make to distract the Bumble?
8. Who said: "Great bouncing icebergs!"
9. What was attached to the presents dropped from Santa's sleigh?
little parachutes
10. What was Yukon Cornelius searching?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Arms Crossed or Not

  It has been saud that having your arms crossed makes you look small or uninviting. But if you stand with your arms apart or by your side you seem more friendly. I think that this is true because I have experienced it in real life.

Monday, December 6, 2010


The Green Search Engine

Serving close to ten million queries per day, mostly through other websites, Gigablast is
the leading clean-energy search engine. 90% of its power usage comes from wind energy.

Gigablast also makes it easy to perform your query on the coal-based search engines
by clicking links below the search results. So try us first, and if you don't find what you
want, click the others, which use millions of coal and oil-based amps.

This is what you will first read on gigablast a new search engine which works a little bit differently than google and might appeal to others but for me I'm going to stick with google.

Monday, November 29, 2010

nVUE Mobile Phone

I want the new nVue Mobile Phone for Christmas! it is square and has a qwerty keyboard  there is a large screen great for browsing the web.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

MySpace New and Improved

MySpace put out a video to advertise the improvements. But the video only has had just over a thousand hits and it is been on youtube for 3 months. so what should they do. I think that theyn should take advantage of there competitors and advertise on places like twitter and facebook.  

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Teddy Bear Party

Today is Have a Party With Your Bear Day. If I were to have a party with my teddy bear it would be a tea party. Just like when I was little haha just kidding, I never did things like that when I was little, but you always see it the movies. We would have tea and little sandwiches.  

Monday, November 15, 2010

Cool Mouse

Today I found a really cool mouse for my computer. As you can see it isn't shaped like a regular mouse.It's called the Microsoft Arc Mouse.You can position it to fit your hand and it comes in different colours.creative mouse

Monday, November 8, 2010

digital story telling

Marketing-the act of buying or selling in a market.
Rich Media-  a format that uses dynamic images, animations, and audio
Testimonial- A statement in support of a particular truth, fact, or claim

Coca Cola uses digital story telling to share story's about generations of drinkers.
I could use digital story telling in my English class if I had to do a summary or maybe present a story.


Get a Voki now!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wow Google employees have got it made

Google is now hiring servants to help their employees. They were hired to help there employees to do simply things like laundry or putting the trash out. Now I'm asking myself  what could they do next. I really have no idea but it will probably be awesome.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Working at Google

Working at Google has many advantages for instants there is always a doctor on staff, there is access to free child care, you get a free gourmet lunch, you can bring your dog to work and it is like a play ground with slides and poles to go from floor to floor. I think that it was very smart of Google to give there employees such a healthy and welcoming work place because then they don't have to worry about disgruntled employees or having a lot of complaints about the work place. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

stop motion

Just watched a few videos using stop motion. They were really cool because it was making the allusion that inanimate objects are moving by them selves. I was thinking that I could use stop motion for projects because instead having to stand up in front of the class and do a presentation I could make a movie without using any actors.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Waveface is the newest technology that works with us it's like a friend it can know what you want and when you want it. But what happens after this? What will be the next thing? Well I think that it really could be anything we want it to be because we have the technology to make things that are amazing and by doing that then we can just make more amazing things.  

The Future of Shopping

Wow, just watched this video about how shopping is going to be changed by technology. There was this girl and she was trying outfits on without putting them on. There was a screen and she could pick what she liked and the screen showed what it would look like on her. It was so cool!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

weeks so far...

In the past few weeks in business class we have learned how to use different programs. Like open office which can help me with projects. Just learning how to use my computer will help me succeed in my other classes because I can use my computer better to help me in prove on my projects and homework.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Kinda Of Resume

Imagine showing up to a job interview with your resume on your t-shirt. On this T-shirt you have your education, work/skills, and a little about you. not only would it be memorable but if you wanted a job that required you to be creative this would help show of your skills. And that is just what Sally Howden did. I think that it was a brilliant idea. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Profile Pic

Cool I just added a profile picture of myself that I made on http://doppelme.com/create/

self-esteem takesd practice assingment

Today in class we played these really cool games that help boost your self-esteem. They were really fun. You focus on people smiling and positive things that then lead to a reward of points, in your game. I believe that this is because then you associate smiling with a reward. I recommend that you try the games at http://selfesteemgames.mcgill.ca . 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bones season six

Wow, that was easy! Who knew that adding a video could be so easy. I just watch the video and then copied the embed code by clicking the button and highlighting it. Then I just pasted it to this blog post and now I'm posting.

Hello World

Hello world , this is my very first blog post ever. Pretty cool, right? Ya, I know it is but it get cooler it's for school..